Ellen Field headshot

Ellen Field, originally from New York, has lived in Charlottesville for 29 years. She and her husband Eric have 2 sets of twins. All 4 went to CBI Preschool and attended CBI Religious School and Hebrew High, as well as work/worked as teaching assistants in the religious school.

Ellen has an undergraduate degree in Economics, with a minor in Educational Psychology, from SUNY, College at Oneonta. She also has a Master of Arts in Teaching, from Mary Baldwin College. Ellen taught K, 2nd & 3rd grades in the Richmond Public School and Louisa County. She taught 3 & 4-year-olds at CBI Preschool for 10 years and then morphed into the Dogwood teacher at CBI Forest School. As the Dogwood teacher, she taught a combination of second/third grade, and the following year a combination of first/second grade, then second grade.

Ellen is thrilled to continue as the Dogwood teacher with second graders this year. It is an invigorating, challenging, and soul-inspiring place to teach.

When she’s not teaching, Ellen enjoys zumba, cooking, hiking, kayaking, swimming in the Rivanna, crafting, reading, playing new board games with her kids, discovering new and diverse children’s literature, and spending time with her 8 and 5-year-old nieces.

Carolyn Leasure | Maypop Creative Studio

I create websites that charm the pants off visitors and work their butts off behind the scenes.

Maypop Creative Studio helps solopreneurs, coaches, and small businesses transform their starter sites into seamless branded systems – because a strategically-crafted website means more time for whatever lights them up.


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